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Washington Co. executive issues statement on safety improvements and CTH W extension

May 26, 2021 – Washington Co., Wi – Two weeks after the Washington County Board voted to remove CTH W extension from a plan concerning safety improvements at CTH S and STH 175 and STH 83, county executive Josh Schoemann has issued a statement on the measure.

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“All along I have felt the CTH W extension project as proposed came down to weighing the safety of drivers at various intersections throughout the area with the necessity of using eminent domain to purchase active farmland.  In that regard I think the County Board made a reasonable public policy decision, as people’s personal property rights are of the utmost importance and shouldn’t be taken lightly,” said County Executive Josh Schoemann.

“After consultation with the farming families and various Supervisors, I’ve decided to partially veto the adopted resolution, allocating $100,000 versus $500,000 for the realignment of these highways. This action will allow sufficient funds and time for the experts, not just County Board members, to re-evaluate the design, come back with a viable plan, and consult with the people who live there. With this action, the proposed CTHW extension is off the table, and as long as I am County Executive no such extension will be proposed by my administration.”

Schoemann met with the Wenninger and Gehring families on Friday, May 21 and reportedly told them the CTH W extension was off the table and would not be vetoed.

save the farms

It was during that last county board meeting when friends, families and farmers packed the gallery and overflow room to voice their displeasure at county government using eminent domain to take land from a working farm to build a road connecting STH 175 and STH 83.

save the farms

There is a Public Works Committee meeting on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. There is one action item: Resolution County Trunk S relocation order.

safety, STH S


The Public Works Committee meeting on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 starts at 7:30 a.m. The meeting is in room 1019 at the Herbert J. Tennies Government Center, 432 E. Washington Street. The meeting is open to the public.  There is one action item: Resolution County Trunk S relocation order.

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