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West Bend

Washington Co. 4-H student receives variety of responses regarding his trip to the presidential inauguration

Jan. 16, 2-17 – West Bend, WI – “Wait, what? You are going to the presidential inauguration?  Are you a Trump supporter?”

These are all questions I have received when traveling around the West Bend High Schools the past few weeks.

I am part of Washington County 4-H and I’m one of 11 students from the local 4-H who is leaving Tuesday for Washington D.C.  We will be attending the 58th presidential inauguration.

When I tell someone I am going to the inauguration there are three different faces of reaction I get.

One face is, “Wow you must support Trump” and they are super excited I get to go.

The second face is, “Really, why him” where they don’t like that I’m going to support him.

The last face is the most common face and that’s the, “Wow that is an-experience-of-a-lifetime” face.

All my teachers were very excited for me when I said I was going.  I told one of my teachers a while ago and immediately she responded with, “I’m so excited for you!”

This was a very similar reaction for all my other teachers.

Students on the other hand are very opinionated.

Multiple students immediately jumped into talking politics with me.  Let me just say, politics are not really my thing.  I hate arguing with someone about things I’m not really participating in.

People automatically jump to conclusions about who I believe in.  Whether true of not, I explain the inauguration is just a small part of this experience.

During the trip we will be participating in things like service projects, mock elections, and learning the processes and the traditions of the inauguration.  That is the reason I am going.

The inauguration is a part of the trip I was excited about, but learning and the opportunities that go with it are also a major part of the trip I can’t wait for.

**Stay tuned to https://www.washingtoncountyinsider.com this week as we bring your reports direct from Washington D.C. and the 58th presidential inauguration. Members of Washington County 4-H will be filing stories throughout the week. They depart Tuesday, Jan. 17. 

About the author: Luke Schowalter, 17, is a senior at West Bend East High School. Luke is very involved in 4-H; he is in youth leadership, photography, leather craft, and clowning projects. An ambassador for 4-H in Washington County, Luke is also on Wisconsin State 4-H Drama Company.



  1. It is very heartwarming to hear that 11 youth from Washington County have this opportunity to see a historical moment in our countries history. I still have awesome memories of the 2001 Inauguration with the Slinger H.S. Band. We are one of the few countries in this world that have such a peaceful change of power.
    God bless our young people and enjoy the opportunity.

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