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West Bend

Wall mural underway in downtown West Bend

May 30, 2020 – West Bend, WI – It has been a while since artwork decorated the sides of buildings in downtown West Bend. Now, a new abstract piece is in the works on the south side of West Bend Tap + Tavern, 315 N. Main Street.

wall mural

Irineo Medina from the Fox Cities is the creative artist behind the project. He expects to finish the painting this weekend.

mural artist West Bend

There are actually quite a few ghost signs around West Bend.

There’s one for Lighthouse Lanes atop the old brewery building on N. Main Street in West Bend.

In Barton there are several well-preserved ghost signs at the Barton Roller Mill and the old firehouse.

Barton Roller Mill


Build Boost Buy in Barton

Here’s a vintage sign on the side of the building in downtown West Bend behind children on the footbridge.

Ghost art by footbridge

A couple other notable ghost signs include the old Field’s Furniture sign and there’s one on the north side of Larry and Chris Porter’s building on N. Main Street. (at least there used to be)

If you have any other ghost signs you’ve seen in the West Bend / Washington County area feel free to chime in.

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