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Voters urged to check their registration now for November General Election


TOWN OF BARTON, WI – With the election just several weeks away, Town of Barton Clerk Aggie Pruner urges local voters to make sure they are properly registered for the November 8 General Election.


“If you take just a few minutes to go online to the state’s MyVote.WI.gov website, you can make sure you are registered to vote at your current address, and know where to go on Election Day,” said Clerk Pruner.


“In less than two minutes, you can go to MyVote.WI.gov, find your polling place location and see what will be on your ballot,” Clerk Pruner said. “If you are not registered or you need to update your name or address, you can start the process online.”


“If you don’t have Internet access, just give my office a call at 262-334-2765 or stop by the office at 3482 Town Hall Road, and we will be happy to help you.”


Clerk Pruner reminded voters Wednesday, Oct. 19 is the deadline to register to vote by mail, including the voter registration form they get when they use MyVote Wisconsin. All mail-in voter registration applications must be postmarked by October 19.


Starting on October 20, all voter registrations must be in the clerk’s office or at the polling place on Election Day.


Every voter registration must be accompanied by a document for proof of residence. This can be a driver license or state ID with a current address, a recent utility bill or bank statement, or a lease or property tax bill. A complete list of proof-of-residence documents is available online: http://gab.wi.gov/publications/voter-guides/proof-of-residence.



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