July 10, 2022 – Fond Du Lac County, WI – Small villages such as St Cloud are sometimes served by a Lagoon or Pond Sewer System. The EPA and DNR have set phosphorous limits in the future to an unattainable low level for lagoon systems.
The proposed low limits cannot be reached because of the low-tech nature of a lagoon system. Larger villages and cities that have mechanical systems will be able to attain the future low levels by adding additional equipment. Constructing a mechanical system in our village would cost millions and sewer rates would be unaffordable for our population of 220 household rate payers. There will likely be other options available to us, but all will be very costly.
We live near the Sheboygan River and of course we want the river to be clean. We have hired an engineer for the past several years to stay in compliance with the DNR standards, and so far, we have been able to keep up financially. But it is getting more difficult lately to balance our sewer and water budget. We are in the process of yet another rate increase. I feel that these government mandates for extremely low phosphorous levels should come with funding, especially for small communities such as ours.
Ty Bodden, Candidate for the 59th Assembly District, sits on the Stockbridge Sewer and Water utility commissions and he understands this issue and is dealing with these issues first hand. I know one of the first things Ty will do when elected will be to try to find a way to slow up these mandates or to find money to help municipalities cover costs so our rates do not increase dramatically as they will right now. Remember when you vote August 9th to vote for someone who knows the issues local governments are facing.
Dan Dreifuerst
St. Cloud, WI
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