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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Re-elect John Donaldson to the West Bend School Board | By Liana Dronso

March 24, 2025 Jackson, Wi – John Donaldson is one of only two sitting conservatives on the West Bend School Board. Three years ago, there were none. Many of the members claimed to be so but upon scratching the surface, it was clear these members were Republican in name only, running under that banner to snag the Republican votes, promote themselves, and ladder-climb.
Letter John
These individuals use the Board to advance their careers and political aspirations. Their motivation had little to do with the children under their care, and it showed in every vote.
Liberal policies, forced masking, corrupt reading material with heavy elements of CRT and pornography, and raised property taxes were brought in and unchallenged. There was zero conservative representation despite some of their claims, and their actions spoke volumes to that truth of the matter.
John Donaldson was elected because our community was in dire need of a true conservative. One who would ask the hardest questions, was honest and transparent, and would be a voice of clarity and conviction. We were sick of the yes men. We wanted someone without ulterior motives, who was exactly as he appeared to be, and would stand strong and unflinching in the face of political maneuvering, and the wave of woke culture that was infiltrating every aspect of the WBSD. And John Donaldson delivered.
 He is a combat Veteran who has not just served his community, but his country. He does not back down when he is outnumbered and outvoiced. He will stand alone, unwavering in his moral conviction and his desire to protect our children and ensure they have the best education possible in our community. He holds those who would hide behind false narratives accountable. His motivation is always, always the safety and education of our children.
Voting for John is a vote to ensure our board does not descend back into endless unanimous votes for any and all liberal policies. He has been a dedicated and dependable conservative we can count on every time since day one. To raise his voice against pornography, financial wastefulness of our tax-paying dollars, and the rights our children have to learn freely- without woke propaganda and political agendas being shoved at them from all angles.
He came in at a time where this community was desperately hungry for conservative representation. His strength and the courage of his conviction is needed as much now as it was last election. John has proven himself to be a solid man of character and reason. No hidden agendas, no ulterior motives, and the ability to stand unwavering, even when outnumbered, against the intimidation tactics from the many dishonest yes men and women who flock to these positions. Vote John Donaldson for West Bend School Board.


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