March 19, 2021 – West Bend, Wi – Dear residents of District 2,
As we near the upcoming Spring Election on April 6th, I wanted to take some time to share with you the reasons why I’m running for the Alderman seat for District 2 in the city of West Bend, and why I hope to earn your vote come April.
First let me say I believe it is EVERY citizen’s duty to perform some level of public service in their community. Whether it’s working in the public sector, serving in office, volunteering, or even just casting your vote (particularly in local elections, where your vote carries more weight). We all have a stake in helping to shape the community we live in. And if we get complacent in this charge, we run the risk of others shaping it in a way that may or may not be to our liking.
As I’ve stated previously, my primary motivation for running is to look for ways to meet the needs of our city that don’t overburden our tax base. In large part this was prompted because the Common Council approved tax increases on the last two budget cycles; most recently in the midst of a pandemic. Now there are some in the community who might dismiss this on the grounds that these were “nominal” increases, which they were. But the dollar amount isn’t really what’s at issue here, is it? It comes down to a matter of principle, and I’m concerned that the Common Council has become far too comfortable lately with looking at raising taxes as the ‘easy road’ to solving financial gaps when we should only see that option as a last resort.
I’m convicted by this notion that our public servants ought to be “good stewards” over the public pocketbook. In history, a steward was a high-level servant of a person’s household. They took care of their possessions, managed their finances, often when they were away. A “good steward” was someone who looked after these things as if they were their own; protecting them with their own life if necessary. To me, in both my personal and professional life, good stewardship means having to make tough decisions on what is needed based on what we can afford and working within the means that we are given to ensure those needs get met. Very often that means making sacrifices.
If elected as your alderman for District 2, I will make this commitment to you: I will NEVER be ‘loose’ with the public’s money. Inasmuch as I am able, I will exercise vigilance over the city finances, and look for alternative solutions to fill gaps BEFORE I would ever consider going to the taxpayers for a handout. I will talk with all key stakeholders to gather as much information as I can to make informed decisions. I will also ask tough questions, and apply reason, logic, and common sense to the challenges that we face as a community. I will strive for middle ground when I can, but without compromising the integrity of the principles upon which I was elected.
On April 6th, you will have the power to help shape our community for the future. Please consider voting for the person who will work for you to keep the City of West Bend a wonderful place to live, work, and play. Vote for Chris Thompson for District 2 Alderman on April 6th.
Chris Thompson
West Bend
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