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West Bend

VIDEO | Behind the scenes during setup of Enchantment in the Park

West Bend, WI – Volunteers enjoyed peak fall colors and Indian Summer temperatures as setup stayed on track for the 2022 Enchantment in the Park. The largest display was a call for all hands-on deck as the 62-foot lighted tree was created with 60 cables featuring 60 lights on each string. Hat tip to Dylan Moore for his expertise.

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Student athletes from West Bend Lightning girls fastpitch softball team volunteered Saturday to string lights on several displays at Enchantment in the Park.

On a history note: Remember in November 2020 when Mother Nature whipped up a windstorm that totally annihilated the chapel at Enchantment. Click HERE to read about the volunteers that stepped forward to bring it back to its full glory.


Opening night is Friday, November 25. Enchantment runs through Christmas Eve. All outside activities will be included; drive through light display, horse and carriage, firepit and marshmallow roasting.

Founded in 2009, the mission of Enchantment in the Park is to create a holiday adventure for one and all, where wonder and excitement are experienced through enchanting holiday light displays, music and other performing arts.


Each year more than 5,100 volunteer hours are invested at Enchantment in the Park as local Rotary and Kiwanis groups team up on the holiday light display.

The annual event at Regner Park raises money and donations for area food pantries.

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