42.4 F
West Bend

West Bend School District addressing violent behavior on school bus

February 24, 2022 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend School District sent a note to families this week addressing concerns discussed by parents regarding bullying and safety on the school bus.

During the Monday, February 21, 2022, West Bend School Board meeting five parents spoke out about a student being bullied and injured during several incidents while the child rode the school bus.

The School Board did not comment at the time however, board member Nancy Justman did speak in general asking administrators to ride the bus, both morning and evening, for the next few weeks.

Two days after the Monday meeting, Superintendent Jen Wimmer issued the note below with a list of recommendations. No word yet whether the “adults” and “staff” mentioned below are actually the “administrators” Justman suggested ride the bus.

families, bus










Since the story was first reported on WashingtonCountyInsider.com parents in the community have been weighing in with similar stories of a lack of notification of parents, lack of discipline, and safety concerns.


Click HERE to read more comments from the live broadcast



This is a working story and more information will be posted when details become available.



  1. Thank you for sharing this w/ the local community. Those of us who no longer have children in the district (or have no children) need to be aware of what’s going on in our schools (& on the buses) and how our tax dollars are being administered by West Bend School District. An election for school board is coming up in April. Consider changing some of the faces on the school board. Vote for John Donaldson and Melanie Ehrgott!

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