36.7 F
West Bend

Vino Con Volo Bar + Italian Kitchen opens Monday, June 21, 2021

June 21, 2021 – West Bend, WI – The chef and staff at Vino Con Volo Bar + Italian Kitchen were given a test run over the weekend and now the restaurant at 110 Wisconsin Street is open to the public.

Vino Con Volo

The menu is filled with a variety of pasta, fish, pizza, and panini’s.

Vino Con Volo menu

Vino Con Volo

Vino Con Volo

Vino Con Volo

Vino Con Volo opens Monday, June 21, 2021 at 4 p.m. The restaurant will be closed Tuesdays, but open every other day.

Vino Con Volo

There will be lunch starting on the weekends at 11 a.m.

Come support a new business venture owned by Jeremy Hahn and Gary Bacon.

Vino Con Volo

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