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West Bend

Village of Germantown consolidates April 7 polling places | By Village of Germantown

Germantown, WI – In order to preserve the integrity of our election process while protecting both our poll workers and our residents, the Village of Germantown has decided to consolidate its four polling places into one at the Germantown High School Field House, located at W180 N11501 River Lane.

Village of Germantown

Being able to use such a large space will allow us to spread out more, preserving the social distance standards provided by the Centers for Disease Control. It also allows us to conduct the election using fewer poll workers.


Just like other communities around the state, many of our poll workers are unable to work on election day out of concern for their health or the health of their loved ones.







We are grateful to the School District for allowing us to use the Field House- we couldn’t consolidate without their help! We are also grateful to our poll workers and our staff who are stepping into fill vacant positions.

The best thing you can do to keep yourself and your neighbors healthy on election day is to vote absentee. There is still time to request an absentee ballot be mailed to you.

Go to myvote.wi.gov to request one online; you can also email the Village Clerk at dbraunschweig@village.germantown.wi.us and ask for an absentee ballot.

She will need your name, address and a photocopy of your photo ID (no selfies, please).


If you have questions, email us or call 262-250-4740.

In person absentee voting continues in the Village Hall Board Room until Friday, April 3 at 5 p.m.

Special precautions are being taken for this in person absentee voting to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience through this process!

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