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VIDEO | West Bend Police investigating man who claimed to be WBPD officer entering woman’s home

February 19, 2024 – West Bend, WI – West Bend Police confirm they are investigating a complaint where a woman reported a man came to her door, identified himself as an officer, allegedly entered the home, made some food, possibly stole something and left.

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The post on social media reads…

Details from the post have been confirmed with police as well as the location. Lt. Brian McAndrews said it is still an active investigation.

“The neighborhood is over near Holy Angels,” said McAndrews. “The person in the post is not with the police department.”

Police confirm they received the complaint on February 17, 2024, just before 4:56 p.m.

“My officers reports aren’t completed yet so what you see in the social media post is what we have right now,” said McAndrews. “We have nobody in custody.”

McAndrews said this is a “unique, standalone case right now – there have not been a series of similar complaints.”

“She did tell us somebody rang the doorbell and said, ‘West Bend Police Department,'” said McAndrews.

Police said, if someone does knock on your door and identifies themself as an officer, neighbors should follow a couple steps.

“If you have doubt you should ask to see their identification,” said McAndrews. “A uniformed officer is going to be more recognizable; our detectives are all dressed in suit attire, and they all carry their work identification with them including a badge and ID card.

“If someone says they’re working undercover and you have doubt, tell the person to stay at the door and that you are calling police department and verify. Police dispatch will be able to verify whether there is truly a police officer at your door.”

West Bend police can be reached at 262-335-5000.


WashingtonCountyInsider.com has calls out to the person who posted publicly on social media; at this point her name is being withheld until contact is made.

Police said they will call back once more information is available.


UPDATE: West Bend Police said on February 20, 2024, that this instance may be simply a person entering the wrong address. Lt. Brian McAndrews said the investigation is ongoing and only may amount to a citation for trespassing. More information will be posted as details are made available.


  1. Judy

    Do you have a name for that man that entered that woman’s home in West Bend by holy angels

    I think I seen him someplace.

    There is even a possibility he asked me a few questions back then.

    He’s not a police officer, undercover, investigator, or anyone working in a police officers type job.


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