42.8 F
West Bend

VIDEO | West Bend Plan Commission expresses concerns about Kwik Trip No. 2

Sept. 6, 2017 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Plan Commission had quite a few concerns about the development of a Kwik Trip gas station/convenience store on the corner of Decorah and Main Street in West Bend.

During the Tuesday night meeting commissioner Jed Dolnick listed off a number of issues he presumed could cause safety and traffic problems.

“From a business standpoint it’s a perfect location but this is not in the best interest of the city,” he said.

Dolnick questioned traffic patterns of a gas station combined with the high volume of vehicles from the schools and the location of the driveways onto Fifth Avenue.

Fellow commissioner Jim White had concerns about traffic congestion and he gave the example of the backup when exiting onto Decorah from the West Bend Plaza shopping center.

Neighbor Karen Wachholz addressed the Plan Commission about several of her concerns regarding the development, much of which dealt with construction noise and music and speaker announcements from the station attendants.

After about 20 minutes of presentation and discussion the Plan Commission voted to table its decision until a traffic study was completed by Kwik Trip.

Click HERE to see details of the plans for Kwik Trip on Decorah Road and Main Street in West Bend.


  1. People are being foolish and petty about this.Kwik Trip is a good corporate neighbor and will bring jobs to the area.Not to mention adding to the tax base. Some people just like to complain!

  2. Make Kwik Trip fix main Street as it is falling apart. Should also update all the traffic lights you sit at on side streets for ten mins before work. If you’re on a motorcycle good luck not having to run a red light with no traffic in sight. West bend needs repairs not another gas station.

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