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West Bend

VIDEO | West Bend Mayor Kraig Sadownikow dubs Carson Pizzino ‘Deputy Mayor for the Day’

June 4, 2018 – West Bend, WI – It was hard to tell who was beaming more Monday afternoon as Tony Pizzino watched his 7-year-old son Carson walk across the hardwood gym floor at McLane School to be officially named ‘Deputy Mayor for the Day’ in the City of West Bend.

The first grader was dressed in a new blue shirt and striped tie. He walked with confidence and offered an impressive handshake to Mayor Kraig Sadownikow who then presented him with a city ID badge and read a proclamation.

“I Mayor Kraig Sadownikow do hereby declare Carson Pizzino to be Deputy Mayor for the Day and this certificate is presented to him on June 4, 2018,” he said.

Neighbors are going to see Carson in action on July 20 when he introduces the Movie in the Park at Regner Park.



Carson’s dad bid on the Deputy Mayor honor during an ice cream social fundraiser.

Teacher Pam Esselman said Carson was such a great choice. “He is very proud to be in charge of things but he’s very caring and compassionate and he really cares about what other people think,” she said.

Carson did tell Mrs. Esselman he thought people would like “not to have homework for a night.”

“His dad does a great job with him,” said Mrs. Esselman. “Carson looks up to his dad so much.”





On a side note: During a video shoot Sunday night at the Pizzino home in West Bend, Carson showed off his wrestling trophies and we talked a bit about the Brewers and Packers.  I asked if he could have an All-Star come to his school for a day… who would it be. After a bit of contemplation he said, “My dad.”


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