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West Bend

VIDEO | West Bend High School Veterans Tribute Film | By Scott Mindel

Washington Co., WI – As a tribute to local veterans and the hard work of West Bend East High School teacher Scott Mindel the entire list of veterans in his video is being published for the Fourth of July this year.

Below is a note from Mindel.

“Here is the latest version of the West Bend High School (WBHS) Veterans Tribute (just in time for Independence Day!).  This version contains over 1700 names and I have spent some time adding yearbook photos of those for which I do not have a service photo.  I have more photos to add, but that will have to wait for the next version.  I think its better to have a face with a name.”
As always, if you have information or photos to add to this project please send them my way and I’ll be sure to include them.”
Enjoy and Happy Birthday America!”

Editor’s Note: This research has been and is being conducted by Scott Mindel, Social Studies teacher at West Bend East High School. His contact information is below:

Scott Mindel

West Bend East High School

1305 East Decorah Rd.

West Bend, Wisconsin 53095






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