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West Bend

VIDEO: West Bend High School Veterans tribute

West Bend East High School social studies teacher Scott Mindel is trying to make sure Veterans Day is celebrated more appropriately at the high schools.

“In the 20-plus years I have taught here we have not properly honored the service of our veterans from our school,” he said.

“I would like to display in a prominent place in the high school the names of the faculty/staff and those that attended WBHS that have served or are currently serving in the military.”

Mindel, in cooperation with myself and the Washington County Insider, are collecting names and photos, branch of service and years of service.

“The idea is to create a portable display that would be used in other buildings in the school district and at community functions,” said Mindel.

People can submit the information to Judy Steffes at judyharley@yahoo.com or smindel@west-bend.k12.wi.us

Plans are in the works to install a video display in the high schools to continuously scroll this video for students, staff and visitors to be able to view.
That portion of the project is expected to be completed by Memorial Day.
This video contains all of the names received to date, even those that don’t have pictures as of yet.


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