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West Bend

VIDEO | West Bend Common Council recognizes police and crossing guard with 50 years of service | By West Bend Police

May 22, 2019 – West Bend, WI – At Monday night’s Common Council, the West Bend Police Department presented the following awards.

Police Officer John Otte
Meritorious Service Award

PO John Otte

On June 3, 2018, PO John Otte assisted the Detective Bureau in locating an armed robbery suspect who was avoiding law enforcement. Officer Otte checked several residences and ultimately gained permission to search a residence he believed the suspect was using, even though a resident denied the suspect was there. The suspect was located hiding in a basement closet and the gun he used in the crime was found hidden in a secret compartment in a bed. Officer Otte’s determination and excellent investigatory work resulted in a dangerous criminal being taken off the street and held accountable for his crime.

Kim Wendleborn

Dispatcher Kim Wendelborn
Meritorious Service

Dispatcher Kim Wendelborn has been the West Bend Police Department’s Red Cross Blood Drive community coordinator since September of 2014. Over the last five years, Kim has organized 10 blood drives, scheduled 455 blood donors (many of them City employees), and played a significant role in the collection of 450 units of blood. The Red Cross recently recognized Kim’s efforts and estimated her work has resulted in over 1,350 lives saved. Dispatcher Wendelborn is commended for organizing the City’s Blood Drives.

Matt Rohlinger


Lt Matt Rohlinger
Meritorious Service

In 2009, Lt Matt Rohlinger proposed and strongly advocated for the creation of the West Bend Police Department Honor Guard. Matt educated himself on Honor Guard protocols and, with the Chief’s blessing, formed the Department’s first official Honor Guard team. Since its inception, the Honor Guard have participated in every Washington County Memorial and Veterans Day ceremonies, every City parade, posted the flags at Common Council Meetings and various high profile public events, and, including this morning, attended numerous funerals of active and retired police officers.

The West Bend Honor Guard, under Lt Rohlinger’s leadership, has played an active role alongside other Honor Guard Units at far too many funerals for officers killed in the line of duty throughout the state.



Additionally, Lt. Rohlinger has participated in the Police Unity Tour every year since 2008, a 300-mile bicycle ride from New York to the Police Memorial in Washington D.C. to honor police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Lt. Rohlinger has helped organize the Wisconsin Unity team each year including organizing nearly 60 law enforcement riders to this past May. Over the past twelve years, Lt. Rohlinger has helped to raise over half a million dollars for the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum to ensure the nation will forever honor the over 20,000 law enforcement officers that have given their lives protecting their communities.

Lt. Rohlinger is commended for his leadership in organizing both the West Bend Police Honor Guard and Wisconsin Police Unity Tour riders.


Officer Josh Seyfert
Life Saving Medal
Josh Seyfert

On June 5, 2018, Officer Seyfert responded to a report of a 37-year-old man who had collapsed in front of his wife and young daughter after working out in the yard. Officer Seyfert found the man unresponsive and not breathing. Officer Seyfert immediately began performing CPR until relieved by West Bend Fire. The man was transported to the hospital and has since recovered. The treating doctors commented that the quick action and quality of CPR performed by Officer Seyfert clearly made the difference in the outcome of this medical event. Officer Seyfert is commended for his quick and effective actions which clearly saved a life.

Trevon Henke

Officer Trevor Heinecke
Life Saving Medal
On January 9, 2019, Officer Heinecke heard a report of a 61-year-old man who had collapsed and was not breathing. Officer Heinecke, while not the assigned officer, realized he was closer and responded to the scene to find the man’s wife performing CPR on her unresponsive husband. Officer Heinecke took over and performed chest compressions until West Bend Fire arrived and assumed care. West Bend Fire was able to revive the man who survived the medical event. Officer Heinecke’s quick action clearly contributed to the ability of the West Bend team to save the man’s life.


West Bend Police award

Officer Kyle M McMullen and Officer Chad J. Kohler
Life Saving Medals
On March 27, 2019, Officers McMullen and Kohler overheard a call just outside of the city for a 24-year-old man not breathing. The officers and a responding Washington County Deputy located the man unresponsive in an upstairs bedroom and immediately began life saving efforts, including CPR, Narcan, and preparing to utilize the AED. The officers continued performing CPR until the West Bend Fire Department arrived and determined the man had regained a pulse and was responding to the officers’ actions. The man was transported to the hospital and has since recovered. Officers McMullen and Kohler’s actions played a significant role in saving the man’s life.






Crossing Guard Diane Bruendl- 50th Anniversary as a Crossing Guard

In April of this year, Crossing Guard Diane Bruendl celebrated her 50th year with the West Bend Police Department Crossing Guard Unit. Since 1969, Diane has stood her post, mainly at Greentree and Park Avenue, in the morning and afternoon, in rain, sleet, snow, hot days, cold days to ensure 50 years of her students made it safely to and from school. Diane, THANK YOU for your service to our community.


Diane Brundl

Horicon Bank
Horicon Bank

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