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West Bend

VIDEO | West Bend Area Ecumenical Choir Concert – 62nd Anniversary Year

May 18, 2017 – Barton, WI – Popular hymns and songs of praise lifted the spirits of several hundred people at St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception Parish in Barton on Wednesday as eight area choirs gathered for the West Bend Area Ecumenical Choir Concert.

The program for the event noted; It all began in 1955 with the Fifth Avenue United Methodist and Immanuel United Church of Christ choirs.

A few years later, Trinity Lutheran and Our Savior’s Lutheran choirs joined.

St. Mary’s, Holy Angels and St. Frances Cabrini Catholic churches added their choirs in the early 1980s.

The late 1980s had St. James Episcopal and St. John’s Lutheran choirs join in the singing.

In more recent years, other churches and local ensembles have joined as well.

Some of the hymns included How Can I keep from Singing by St. John’s Lutheran Church, Days of Elijah by Peace United Church of Christ, One Faith, One Hope, One Lord by the Ecumen, Make Me Humble by St. Mary’s Church and Come, People of the Risen King by St. Frances Cabrini.

Photo courtesy Jeff Slais.



  1. Thanks Judy for making the effort to cover so many and varied events in the area. In a time where people lash out at each other over our different opinions it is so wonderful to come together in song and note both the things we share in common and our differences.

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