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West Bend

VIDEO | Venison from Deer Management Hunt donated to Food Pantry in West Bend


April 17, 2018 – West Bend, WI –  The first of several donations of venison were dropped off Monday, April 16 at the Food Pantry in West Bend.

Dist. 1 alderman John Butschlick said there will be 35 pounds of ground venison donated. The meat comes from the three deer killed during the Deer Management Hunt last December.

Prior to the hunt it was determined the cost to process the deer would be covered by the DNR. The meat was processed by Loehr’s Meat Service in Campbellsport. There were three deer killed during the Deer Management Hunt.

On Monday night during the West Bend Common Council meeting alderman Butschlick gave an update on the future of the hunt. He said sharpshooters have been discussed and a combined effort with bow hunters may be the next step.

The cost of sharpshooters was discussed during a March meeting of the Deer Management Committee.  Click HERE to read that update.

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