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VIDEO | Feeding kids across Washington County the United Way

Washington Co., WI – Over 300 volunteers gathered this week to take part in the2023 United Way of Washington County campaign kickoff. The goal was to package more than 7,000 snack bags for area nonprofits.

“It’s a great opportunity for businesses to come together and do some team building,” said Mary Simon, executive director of Elevate.

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The assembly-line process involved combining small bags of cheddar goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, Rice Krispie squares, and cookies into plastic packets, seal it, label it, and box it.

United Way


Volunteers from local school districts, civic organizations and businesses rallied throughout Thursday afternoon with cheers of encouragement and strong leadership the teams exceeded their goal with over 7,000 packaged snacks.

“The snack packs will help kids and families in the area and hopefully this lets them know we’re here to help them the United Way,” said Hartford city administrator Steve Volkert.

“We’re so excited to bring together so many different companies to work together to help their neighbors in need,” said United Way CEO Kristin Brandner.

United Way

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