28.6 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Turf installation underway at Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field

July 6, 2021 – West Bend, WI – With temps in the 90’s a crew from Midwest Sport and Turf Systems in Plainfield, Illinois started laying down sheets of turf on the infield at Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field in West Bend.

The crew wore pants because if you knelt on the fabric while installing it … it would burn your legs…. it was just that hot.

Click HERE to see the progress of the project from demolition to fruition

The day started with the infield looking like a clean white slate.

infield Kuss

By 4 p.m. that afternoon the green infield with reddish-brown base path was starting to take shape.

On Wednesday the inlays will be completed by cutting the pitching circle, home plate circle, batter’s box, coach’s box, and catcher’s box. Those will be cut and then glued in by hand.

Then infill will be added to the turf with 4-pounds per square foot of sand added, about 40,000 pounds, as well as 40,000 pounds of rubber.


The West Bend Baseball Association is still raising money for the project. “This is a $2.1 million project and we still need to raise about $300,000,” said Willie Mueller. “We’re really thankful to the people who have donated so far but we need a bit more so we can finish it off and hit it outta the park.”

Click HERE to make a donation or for traditional mail by USPS:
West Bend Baseball Association
PO Box 575
West Bend, WI 53095

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