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West Bend

VIDEO | The SparkPlug Guy will be featured at MOWA Art & Chalkfest this weekend


July 28, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Local artist Dick Cooley a.k.a. The Sparkplug Guy will have his unique creations on display at this weekend’s Art and Chalk Fest at the Museum of Wisconsin Art.

The Sparkplug Guy will have over 600 clever metal sculptures; you can find any field, hobby or profession in his work. Check out the motorcyclist below and try to identify some of the repourpsed metal including a fork, rollerskate wheel, and the signature sparkplug.

“Thanks to many local car, boat and small engine repair shops in the area for supplying over 5,000 used sparkplugs,” said Cooley.

Art & Chalk Fest is Saturday, July 28 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, July 29 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Be sure to look for Dick “The Spark Plug Guy” Cooley.  He has been creating and showing his unique sculptures for over 27 years.


Click HERE to look at his portfolio page of sculptures. You name it – hobby or profession – Cooley has crafted a piece of spark-plug art to represent.



  1. Are you still looking for projects?
    I have a amazing boss who loves his cutless convertible in green he ran
    Grocery store for his life. I would love to surprise him with one of your inventions
    The color scene was green and white
    Maybe a cutlass Grocery cart. Please let me know
    Thank you

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