37.6 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Thanks for supporting United Way of Washington County | By Alissa Rauh

October 25, 2019 – Washington Co., WI – On Saturday morning, October 19, over 750 students from West Bend West High School, West Bend East High School, Badger Middle School, Kewaskum High School, Hartford Union High School, and Slinger School District collectively walked the length of Washington County to raise awareness and funds for the critical issues such as homelessness, hunger, and mental illness faced by many across our county.

The Walk culminated in a celebration for the students at the West Bend Mutual Insurance Amphitheater at Washington County Fair Park, where it was announced that $50,000 was raised by the event.


United Way of Washington County Executive Director Kristin Brandner points out, “This event came about because we have a great team of principals from area Washington County schools as our campaign chairs this year who wanted to do something collective for their students. This event offers students who are usually competitors in sports or academics an opportunity for collaboration across our schools.”


Campaign co-chair Ralph Schlass, Principal of West Bend West High School said, “This event is aimed at bringing together the students from Washington County schools to show them that united they can make a greater difference in their community than they ever could separately.”

All the donations made towards this event were matched by West Bend Mutual Insurance, who was a premier sponsor, and are going back to United Way to fund Washington County programs. Campaign co-chair Dan Dobner, Principal of Hartford Union High School, spoke about the impact of United Way saying, “Walk United introduces students to what United Way of Washington County is doing for their community and how they can be actively involved in making a difference in Washington County.”


United Way of Washington County provides an opportunity for community members to Give, Advocate, and Volunteer as ways to give back and pay it forward.  Funds raised during the campaign will support over 20 programs aligned under the pillars of Education, Financial Stability, and Health. To join the Uniting Force for Good in making an online donation, go to www.UnitedWayOfWashingtonCounty.org.


About United Way of Washington County

United Way of Washington County is a volunteer-driven organization that provides resources and solutions for health and human service needs in communities throughout Washington County, Wisconsin.  With a focus on Education, Financial Stability, and Health, United Way’s mission is to improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways.  For more information about United Way of Washington County’s work, or to join our fight to create meaningful, measurable and lasting change for people throughout our county, visit UnitedWayOfWashingtonCounty.org.


United Way

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