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VIDEO | Thanks for participating in the Allenton/St. Lawrence Fire Department Open House | By Ron Naab

Oct. 16, 2017 – Allenton, WI – A little bit of rain didn’t deter neighbors from taking part in Sunday’s shared Open House between the Allenton and St. Lawrence Fire Departments.

Quite a few families stood in line after church to take advantage of the pancake breakfast and tour the fire house.

Jim Sprouse from Property Loss Management had a large display for kids to talk to them about fire safety, smoke alarms …. and of course some free candy if you were paying attention.

Allenton’s Fire Queen Olivia Kreft collected a boat load of batteries during her Beauties & Batteries fundraiser. The 9-volt batteries will be donated to senior citizens, veterans, families or disabled community member in need of a new battery for their smoke detector in the Allenton area.

Sign up for the Beauties & Batteries Program by clicking HERE.


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