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VIDEO | Thanks for making Winter Carnival at Washington County Fair Park a success!

Feb. 10, 2019 – Washington Co., WI – Volunteers and business sponsors from the Winter Carnival are cheering its success. The event was held Saturday, Feb. 9 at Washington County Fair Park.


For eight hours the Ziegler Building became an indoor festival for kids with bounce houses, balloon games, race cars, magic, prizes and princesses.

Winter Carnival at Washington Co Fair ParkWinter Carnival at Washington County Fair ParkWinter Carnival at Washington County Fair Park

Olaf at Winter CarnivalWinter Carnival at Fair ParkMargic at Winter Carnival



Fair Park Director Kellie Boone said at the start of the day she “didn’t know what to expect” but kids and families kept pouring into the park and judging by the reactions it seemed everyone, including parents, had a great time.

Washington County Fair

Stay tuned as later this week the Fair Park will have a major entertainment annoucement for this year’s Washington County Fair.

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