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West Bend

VIDEO | “Exciting news” at Bob Fish GMC in West Bend on July 2

June 26, 2018 – West Bend, WI – In May 2018 a story was published on WashingtonCountyInsider.com regarding the pending sale of Bob Fish GMC in West Bend.

Coming up July 2, 2018 the company is promoting “exciting news.” 

Watch for more details next week regarding Lynch Buick GMC in West Bend.

Story below is from May 29, 2018.

The employees at Bob Fish Buick GMC in West Bend have already been told, although management is refusing to confirm the sale of the family-owned dealership on S. Main Street.

Early word is Lynch Buick GMC out of Burlington has an offer on the table and is in talks to close on the purchase of the business and the building, 2275 S. Main Street in West Bend.

More details on the sale are expected to be available at the end of June.


Management at Lynch GMC in Burlington said they had “no comment at this time.” However they confirmed they would pass along a statement when the time was right.


Bob Fish founded the dealership in June 1981. He started as Bob Fish Pontiac, Cadillac and GMC Truck; which later became Bob Fish Pontiac, Buick, GMC and Isuzu Truck and Bob Fish Truck and Equipment in West Bend.





According to his obituary, June 20, 2008,

Bob was known as a tremendous talented businessman who took time to teach and share his knowledge with not only his employees but anyone who was in need of his talents. His passion was to build and manufacture commercial trucks of all sizes. He was an originating board member of the national commercial dealer council where he served his fellow dealers and General Motors in the advancement of the commercial truck business for the last three years. Bob was also involved with the Wisconsin Automobile and Truck Dealers association and the Automobile Dealers of Metro Milwaukee. Bob was a very compassionate person who cared about the community and showed his compassion for children by his generous gifts to the MACC Fund, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washington County, the Washington County Fair Park and numerous other organizations. Bob’s avocation was his everlasting fondness for racing. Bob helped start and create careers in short track racing. Most notably was his involvement with Slinger Speedway and the Milwaukee Mile. Bob was a tremendous outdoorsman who loved to pheasant and duck hunt; he also enjoyed fishing, golfing, and boating. Bob enjoyed traveling and easily made friends where ever he traveled. Bob touched the lives of many; and his kindness was never ending during people’s time of need. Bob was a proud member of the West Bend Moose Lodge 1398, West Bend VFW Post # 1393, the Vietnam Veterans of America in Newburg, the West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce and numerous other organizations.

Bob Fish died at the age of 59.

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