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West Bend

VIDEO | Roadside personality across Washington County


August 20, 2020 – Town of Trenton, WI – Pedaling the side roads across Washington County there is a trend towards a lot of local artwork that really adds personality to the landscape.

Quite a few neighbors find unique ways to show off their colorful flowers.


There is also the very midwestern roadside stand for sweet corn and in the Town of Trenton an artist used every inch of an old tree to carve a tribute to wildlife.





The primary sponsor for the Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s is Cedar Community. Your partnership in this event will help to provide unique events and special activities for seniors at Cedar Community – right in your own back yard.

Cedar Community is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and is therefore supported solely by the gifts and contributions of friends like YOU. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

Checks made payable to “Cedar Community” with note “JUDY’S BIKE RIDE” can be mailed to: Cedar Community Philanthropy, 113 Cedar Ridge Dr., West Bend, WI 53095. You may also click here for a downloadable donor form. (In “additional comments” add the note “Judy’s Bike Ride”


  1. Love the pics of the roadside landmarks! We often forget how every day images can impact & lighten our days. We go whizzing by in our cars & forget what we saw by the time we reach our destination. Thanks for slowing down & reminding us of life at a different speed in the country.

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