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VIDEO | Restoring lake sturgeon to the Upper Wolf River | By Ryan Koenigs

December 10, 2019 – There are plenty of sturgeon spearers in the Washington County area and neighbors at Riveredge Nature Center in Newburg are familiar with the sturgeon reintroduction process. A bit further north the DNR is working on a lake sturgeon restoration project.

Ryan Koenigs submitted the story below.

The Wisconsin DNR and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (MITW) have been jointly working on a project to restore lake sturgeon to the Upper Wolf River within the Menominee Tribal Reservation.

Efforts date to the early 1990s and capture and upstream transfer of sub-adult and adult lake sturgeon has been the primary method for restoring access of sturgeon to their ancestral spawning grounds below Keshena Falls.

A short video describing the capture and transfer process.

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