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VIDEO | Renovations underway at St. Mary’s Parish in Barton

March 14, 2018 – Barton, WI – There’s a major renovation underway inside the worship space at St. Mary Immaculate Conception Parish in Barton.

In 2016 repairs were made to the historic steeple and exterior church surfaces. In 2017, the parish completed major updates to the church’s heating and ventilation systems.

Now the parish is working on an interior renovation that includes new paint, new floor surfaces, new upholstery, new statues and statue restoration, new matching high altar, ambo, and altar of sacrifice, sound system upgrade, new exterior main church doors, and parish center lobby restroom updates.

The transformation is well underway and rather shocking if you haven’t been inside the church in a while. One noticeable difference, aside from the scaffolding on the altar, is there are now pews. They’ve all been dismantled. The sides are sitting in a pile and the red cushion seats are in a heap in the back of the church.

“Worthless particle board” said one church volunteer. One would have thought since the church celebrated its 160th anniversary these may have been collector items. “We can’t even give them away” said the volunteer.

There’s an ongoing fundraiser to collect $375,000 to help pay for the renovation. The new interior will look much like the plans below.

Photo courtesy St. Mary’s Parish

Click HERE for more details on the renovation plan and the fundraising campaign.

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