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VIDEO | Rebroadcast of 2019 Boltonville Parade

May 26, 2019 – Boltonville, WI – Hundreds of people lined the streets in Boltonville for the annual parade.

Under sunny skies with temps in the 60s the parade started after the noon siren sounded. Led by Washington County Sheriff Marty Schulteis the parade included the Color Guard, music from the Kewaskum High School Marching Band, the River City Irregulars and The Goodtime Dutchmen.

There was also a fleet of fire trBoltonville Paradeucks, collector cars and race cars and a good representation by FFA, Washington County 4-H and the Llama Club.

Boltonville Parade

Boltonville Parade

Janine Prost-Domasky It has been years since I have been to this parade. Nice to be able to watch it and bring back the memories. Thank you!

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