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VIDEO | Read along with the History of Hartford – April 1, 1932 | By Jennifer Einwalter

April 1, 2020 – Hartford, WI – During this week’s behind-the-scenes tour at the Jack Russell Memorial Library in Hartford, library director Jennifer Einwalter let viewers take a peek inside the second floor History Room.

Einwalter said there are volumes of bound copies of newspapers dating to the early 1900s. Today she takes it old school and channeling her best Mrs. Doubtfire she reads from the April 1, 1932 edition of the Hartford Press.

Join us as Einwalter relaxes in a high-back cushioned chair with a fancy hat and 1930s vintage radio, perusing the headlines from an era that has similar story lines to things happening today including such things as taxes, elections, shopping for bargains and even a mysterious virus.

Hartford Press 1932

Hartford Press, delinquent taxes

Examination of teeth, Hartford

Meat shop hand injury

Kodak film

Horicon Bank

Vote Franklin D. Roosevelt

JC Penny

National Tea

Downtown Hartford 1930

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