37.6 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Pouring the new sportcourt at Regner Park

Oct. 23, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Rebar is in place and the new sports complex at Regner Park is framed out and Tuesday morning, Oct. 23 the cement trucks pulled in to start pouring the incoming sportscourt.

New sportcourt is poured at Regner Park in West Bend.
The complex will feature basketball courts, volleyball and pickleball courts. The complex is being built in the current area of Softball Field A which is located to the north of  Carl Kuss Memorial Field, to the east of the parking lot and to the south of the Urban Fishing Pond.

The Milwaukee Bucks and West Bend Mutual Insurance joined together to donate $150,000 for the sports complex.

Diagram of the sportscourt/sports complex at Regner Park in West Bend.

The project should be completed by mid-November.



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