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West Bend

VIDEO | Paying it forward at Interfaith with Canine Caregivers

September 15, 2019 – West Bend, WI – A regular Sunday series sponsored by Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County a local organization that connects seniors with caring volunteers.

Within the last year Interfaith started Canine Caregivers, a program for home-bound seniors who are no longer able to own a dog.

The program pairs senior citizens with a certified therapy dog and their handler for one-on-one visits. It’s a chance for seniors to share a mutual love of dogs in their own home.


Below is a story about a growing friendship between Pat, Russell and Buddy.

Russell is a resident at the Samaritan Home in West Bend. He’s recovering from a stroke. His days are pretty similar and he passes the time watching Price is Right and completing puzzles with more than 300 pieces.

Russell and Buddy and Interfaith Caregivers

The days he looks forward to most are the ones where he gets a visit from Pat and Buddy, a registered therapy dog.

The first couple times Buddy came to visit he was a little shy. “And then the third time he jumped right up on Russell’s lap,” said Pat.


Canine Caregivers

Russell likes to pet Buddy’s head. “He knows me,” he said.

“We enjoy coming here,” said Pat. “It helps break up those lonely days.”

To participate in Canine Caregivers contact Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County at 262-365-0902.


Interfaith Haunted Tea is Sunday, October 13. 

Interfaith Tea

Don’t forget to make your reservation for this year’s Haunted Tea presented by Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County.

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