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VIDEO | Paying it forward at Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County


March 17, 2019 – Washington Co., WI – A Sunday series sponsored by Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County a local organization that connects seniors with caring volunteers.


The volunteers and board members at Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County are extremely appreciative of all the people who have helped over the years.


Whether it’s driving a senior citizen to the grocery store or a doctors appointment or even doing a little light house keeping.


Danielle Allen is a financial representative for Northwestern Mutual.  “I met with Interfaith Caregivers and tried to find ways to give back to the community,” said Allen.


During a recent Percolate on Friday morning Allen met with other volunteers at Interfaith Caregivers and felt the groove and camaraderie from the volunteers who gather to exchange stories, chat about family and offer support.


Everyone involved in Interfaith Caregivers is doing their part in helping make the life of area senior citizens that much easier.


Please join the volunteers at Interfaith Caregivers this Friday, Dec. 7at Percolate starting at 8 a.m.  It’s a chance to share a hot cup of coffee and conversation.








Giving time to Interfaith Caregivers is a rewarding experience.

Whether it’s getting a group together to clean up an elderly neighbor’s yard or simply folding a fresh load of laundry, your time makes a real difference! In the end, don’t be surprised if you forget who’s helping who.

Click HERE for more details on how you can get involved, make a new friend and pay it forward at Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County.



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