Dottie Schuetz said her mother Mary Irene made an amazing Hungarian goulash along with a homemade cottage cheese cheesecake that proved to be very difficult to replicate.
“I tried to make one like it,” said Dottie. “I had the recipe and it turned out like a brick.”
Dottie recalled at a family gathering a majority of those in attendance took one bite and threw the rest out. “I don’t know what went wrong,” she laughed. “It was one of those old-fashioned German recipes.”
Other moms mentioned were famous for their bakery or, according to Jim Sprouse, personal birthday cakes were a special treat.
“I’m the son of Mary Sprouse who has passed on and what she used to make for me was poppy seed cake every birthday,” he said. “That was my favorite. It had marshmallow topping. As kids we called it fly-eye cake,” he said, referencing the look of the black poppyseeds in the white frosting.
Local real estate agent Wendy Wendorff is the daughter of Donnie Hayes. “My mom makes the best taco dip and just like my mom it is nothing fancy but has alll the good stuff,” she said.
Lana Alexandra, co-owner of A&W Iron and Metal said she is the daughter of Gloria Weiss Gloria. “My mom really made the best of everything; she was a great cook, and still is but she made the best quilts.
“She made handmade quilts and hand-tied the quilts for all of us kids and our kids.”
Other moms in the community were known for their German recipes, zucchini bread, and even their work behind the bar.
Keith Keane and “My mother Doris Besh grew up in Cedarburg, Wi and I remember her baking bread and I’d come home from school and the aroma would fill the house. I’d cut a nice slice off the end of the warm bread and put on a hunk of butter, and it was just delicious,” said Keith Keehn. “She also made her own Manhattans, and she drank them.”
_______________________________ is sharing your comments of memories from across our social media:
“My mom crocheted afghans for us kids and her grandkids. Crocheted doilies and embroidered pillowcases.” -Barb and Mike Miller
Photo credit: Barb and Mike Miller
“Having 7 children, Mom was a great cook and baker. Mom’s “Butter Horns” never lasted long.” -June Schneider Melius
Photo credit: June Schneider Melius
“My mom made the best dill pickles! Best in ham n pickle roll-ups!” -Cheryl Jaeger
“My mom made butterhorns to die for.” -Eileen German
“Homemade yeast coffee cakes…she made 3 every week along with pies with the best crusts!” -Rita Sepersky
“The best Thanksgiving Goose with wild rice stuffing.” -Judy Barber
“German potato salad and the best cakes.” -Barbara Renner Lee
“My mom was the best baker of homemade breads and pies.” -Susie Graff
“Mom knitted the most beautiful Norwegian Sweaters. Tons of mittens too in her lifetime.” -Sandra Schultz
“The best cookies ever!” -Mary Mueller
“Homemade noodles and salmon!” -Tom Rothenbach
“Quilts.” -Judy Lesmeister
“Schaum torte.” -Sherrie Burgdorf
We want you to pay tribute to your Mom on Mother’s Day. Please submit a video via text to 262-334-4526 and we will add it to our next segment. Or email a brief story about your mom’s best recipe, sewing project, or what you recall to add to our story “My mom Made…” email is
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