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West Bend

VIDEO | McLane Elementary 2nd grader awarded with Legislative Citation. Three cheers for Serenity Sunde!

March 10, 2017 – West Bend, WI – A big day at McLane Elementary in West Bend as local lawmakers Rep. Bob Gannon and state Senator Duey Stroebel presented 7-year-old Serenity Sunde with a Legislative Citation for her work to help save a building from fire.

Sunde’s story was first reported at WashingtonCountyInsider.com


She was in the car with her uncle when she spotted red flames atop Badger Car Wash on W. Washington Street. Sunde encouraged her uncle to check it out and he helped put out the fire.

The entire second-grade class at McLane watched Friday afternoon as Sunde was presented with the citation.


“This just shows how important you are to everything that goes on in this world,” said Stroebel.



Rep. Gannon said because of encouraging actions like Serenity’s our future is in good hands. “It was a pleasure to visit Serenity’s class and award this commendation,” said Gannon. “The whole class was reminded that we all need to look out for others and to be helpful whenever possible.”




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