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West Bend

VIDEO: Making maple syrup with the Richfield Historical Society


March 27, 2017 – Richfield, WI – There was so much steam rising from the boiling sap on Saturday in the Sugar Shack at the Richfield Historical Society you could barely see your neighbor. “If we closed that transom in the roof it would be raining in here,” said the docent.


Hundreds of people braved the chilly, wet weather to take part in Maple Syrup Family Day. Click the video to get a firsthand taste of what you missed.

More activities are in store this week at the Richfield Historical Society.

Richfield Historical Society Monthly Programs

Everyone is welcome to attend the Richfield Historical Society’s (RHS) interesting programs presented monthly. The programs are held the fourth Thursday during the months of January–May; September–November.


The programs start at 7 p.m. and are held at the Richfield Fire Hall, 2008 State Road 175, Richfield, WI 53076.

The programs range from authors to impersonators to experts on various topics. There is something for everyone. Light refreshments are served after the program. No charge; donations appreciated to support the RHS projects.

March 30, 2017
Program: “Native American Writings”
Speaker: Kimberly Blaeser
Note: This is the 5th Thursday
Richfield Fire Hall -2008 Hwy 175

Kimberly Blaeser is a Professor at University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee where she teaches creative writing and Native American Literature. Ms. Blaeser is Anishinaabe, an enrolled member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, and grew up on the White Earth Reservation in northwestern Minnesota, She is the author of three collections of poetry: “Apprenticed to Justice,” “Absentee Indians and Other Poems,” and “Trailing you,” as well as being editor of “Stories Migrating Home: A Collection of Anishinaabe Prose” and ”Traces in Blood, Bone and Stone: Contemporary Ojibwe Poetry.” Ms. Blaeser was selected to serve as Wisconsin Poet Laureate from 2015-2016.

April 27, 2017
Program: Wisconsin’s Underwater Treasures

May 25, 2017
Program: Never Curse the Rain

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