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West Bend

VIDEO | Local Brownie Troop selling cookies – put your virtual order in today

West Bend, WI – Local Brownie Troop 37493 from Holy Angels, St. Frances Cabrini and Fair Park Schools are selling Girl Scout Cookies. The combined troop of 2nd graders is launching an opportunity to place orders early through a virtual cookie booth where people can pre-order cookies online and then come pick them up at a specific date and time.

Click HERE to order your cookies from Brownie Troop 37493

Brownie Troop 37493 is made up of second graders from Holy Angels School, St. Frances Cabrini School, and Fair Park Elementary.

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“I love being in Girl Scouts because of the fun activities like the pool party, making an obstacle course, and painting at MOWA,” said scout Renee Kremer.


“Selling Girl Scout Cookies is fun and gives us the money to do those activities. Plus, it helps other girls to have the money to do fun things too. Being in Girl Scouts is a great way to make new friends.”

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The leadership and entrepreneurship skills these girls learn throughout the Cookie Program and other programming sets them up to be successful women in the community.

The Cookie Share program allows people to buy cookies but instead of bringing them home, they are donated to military, food pantries, and homeless shelters.

Once the Cookie Program is over the Troop picks somewhere in the community, they want to donate a sum of money; ideas include the Washington County Humane Society, local food pantries/homeless shelters, etc. The girls will vote who gets the money each year.

Girl Scouts is a non-profit organization geared towards helping young girls grow in their confidence and skills towards becoming community leaders.

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