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VIDEO | LeAnn Boudwine says ‘Thanks’ for people who have given to Support the Troops


Nov. 12, 2018 – Slinger, WI – A note of thanks from LeAnn Boudwine who received a stage-full of donations Friday for soldiers serving in the military. The gift was presented during a Veterans Tribute by Slinger Elementary School.

Boudwine has two sons serving in the military and for the past 12 years she’s been running an organization called Support The Troops. Through the effort she’s managed to mail more than 10,000 packages to soldiers serving close to home and overseas.

Support the Troops, gifts Support the Troops gifts

During the veterans tribute in Slinger, a soldier who had served overseas, approached Boudwine to say he was one of the recipients of her gifts.

“It just really made my day,” said Bryce Moeller. “I’m in the Army Reserves and I was deployed to Guantanamo Bay for nine months.”

Moeller said he was not aware of the effort but one of his friends referred his name.

“I got a package every couple of months and it really made serving a lot better and put a smile on my face,” Moeller said.

Macaroni and Girl Scout Cookies were Moeller’s favorite.


If you would like to make a donation to the 501c3 organization Support the Troops click HERE for more information.

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