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VIDEO | Heads up – Hwy 45 southbound down to one lane because of roadwork


August 14, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – Motorists heading southbound on Hwy 45 in the morning may want to add a couple more minutes extra travel time as the road is reduced to just one lane of traffic from the Washington County Fair Park and Pleasant Valley Road to Highway 60 in Jackson.

The Washington County Highway Department is completing some road repair in the right-hand lane. If the weather is cooperative the work should be completed by Thursday, Aug. 16.

County Highway officials say no work is planned on the nortbound lanes.








Motorists have made a point on social media to note Highway P is also closed at this same time for construction between Cedar Creek Road and Highway 60. That road runs parallel to Hwy 45 and affects a similar traffic route.




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