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VIDEO | Hartford school bus safety Public Service Announcement | Chief David Groves


Nov. 27, 2018 – Hartford, WI – The Hartford Police Department released a statement and video Tuesday morning to remind drivers the importance of stopping for school buses.

Hartford school bus psa

“Every year we receive a number of complaints about people illegally passing school buses. If our officers see violations or if a bus driver reports the violator we can and do take enforcement action. Illegally passing a bus while children are boarding or leaving the bus creates a very real danger for our kids.

This year we decided to develop a Public Service Announcement to help people remember for drivers to follow the law when encountering stopped school buses for everyone’s safety. 







This production was done with the assistance of our partners at the Joint #1 School District, Wittenberger Bus Service, and Today and Forever Video. This message was funded completely with funds donated by members of our community for departmental community outreach efforts!

Please take a minute to watch the video and share it early and often. Let’s work together to keep our kids safe!”

Chief David Groves

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