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VIDEO | Girls try hockey free this weekend Feb. 16 and 17

Feb. 13, 2019 – Washington Co., WI -Two completely free opportunity for girls, ages 4 to 9, to come and try hockey with other girls.

All gear included and many coaches on and off the ice to answer questions, encourage, and assist.

Washington County now has three girls hockey teams and we are looking to grow the game even more!

Girls Hockey Free at KM Ice Center


Feb. 16 the free skate is 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 17 it’s 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.


“We normally get a really great response,” said organizer Amanda Anne Katsma. “They’re sliding and falling and having a great time. It’s a physical sport and it’s fun to watch them fall and not get hurt.”

Equipment and pads and skates are provided free. Coaches and players were on hand to help.

“They’re having fun and it’s a good family experience,” said organizer Stephanie Krueger. “And it was awesome the Ice Center provides the equipment.”



The Kettle Moraine Ice Center has a team for female skaters. The Little Lynx is for girls, ages 4 and up. Moms are welcome to come and skate as well.

According to the Little Lynx program: Skaters will be encouraged and taught in a positive, safe environment by other female skater.

The program focuses on the social aspects of the sport, teaching girls that fitness is fun and establishing positive relation-ships among all female athletes in the association.


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