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West Bend

VIDEO | Gearing up for Memorial Day with a look back at the 2018 Memorial Day Parade in West Bend

May 24, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Rolling into Monday, May 25 and Memorial Day we’re going to flashback to the West Bend Memorial Day Parade from 2018. It was a classic live broadcast from the back of a pickup sitting in the parking lot at Hoffert’s Auto Repair on the corner of S. Main Street and Maple Street.

A couple things to note from 2018:

  • Washington County Sheriff Dale Schmidt was behind the wheel of the Sheriff’s Vehicle.
  • At 24:39 a note of correction: the passenger in the vehicle is WWII veteran Rollie Moericke, 91. He served 1944-52 in WWII and Korea.
  • Some of the veterans participating in the parade included Terry Vrana, Richard Limbeck, John Butschlick, Merlin Stockhausen, Jerry Faber, Norbert Carter,
  • Keep an eye out for the Freedom Riders and WWII Veteran Howie Knox, 98.
  • Gas prices at the Mobil in May 2018 – $3.09 regular unleaded and in 2017 it was $2.40 for regular unleaded.

On Monday, May 25, 2020 there will be a Memorial Day driving/riding tour of the cemeteries in West Bend. Click HERE for details. That event is open to the public.

There will be a Memorial Day ceremony in West Bend. It is NOT open to the public but will be livestreamed. Click HERE for details.

One technical note: I’m finding the video does appear when using Google as the search engine, however it does not appear when using Fire Fox. Just FYI.


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