28.6 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Former Boston Store building in West Bend sold

July 9, 2021 – West Bend, Wi – The strip mall on W. Paradise Drive that used to be home to Boston Store/Elder-Beerman has been sold.

Records in the City Assessor’s Office show the sale closed June 23, 2021 for the lots 1201 W. Paradise Drive, 1195 W. Paradise Drive and then a location simply titled “W. Paradise Dr.” which is noted by the tax key number as the endcap of that strip mall.

Click HERE for a flashback when Boston Store was closing in 2018Boston Store

The sale also includes the standalone strip that used to be home to Pier 1 Imports; that national retailer filed bankruptcy in February 2020. That strip is currently home to Subway, Check n Go, and Great Clips.

Pier 1 space

Assessments for the properties show the Elder-Beerman parcel assessed in 2019 at $6,382,700; in 2005 the assessment was over $10 million.

The standalone strip mall to the north, formerly home to Pier 1 Imports, was assessed in 2019 at $969,300 (in 2005 that assessment was over $2 million) and the strip to the west of Elder-Beerman with Office Max and the former MC Sports to the endcap is assessed at $393,500.

The total sale price for all the lots posted at $3.6 million and was sold to City Pointe LLC of Brookfield.

Please note – THE BUILDING is what sold and NOT the businesses that lease the space.

Calls have been placed to City Pointe LLC to see if they have a new tenant moving in or what price they will lease the space.

Office Max 1998

Photo below from 1998 prior to construction of Boston Store/Elder-Beerman. The parent company of Elder-Beerman, Bon-Ton, filed bankruptcy and closed stores in 2018.

Paradise Drive

American Commercial Real Estate

Paradise Drive

The photo from 2000 shows stores including the Fashion Bug and Book Center. Do you remember what other stores used to be in that strip? Little Professor?

Horicon Bank


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