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West Bend

VIDEO | Food drive underway at Wingate Creek BP to benefit food pantries in Washington County

West Bend, WI – The owners of Wingate Creek BP have teamed with American Companies to help stock the shelves at the food pantries in West Bend and Washington County.  Starting Monday, April 13, 2020 there will be barrels set up at the BP to collect food donations.

Scott Sadownikow is owner of the BP gas station, 2825 E. Washington Street, in West Bend.


Food Drive Wingate Creek BP

“For every person who donates food items, BP will donated $1 to Full Shelf Food Pantry, 231 Municipal Dr, West Bend,” said Sadownikow. “People are also encouraged to enter to win assorted prizes with a Quarantine Care Package as the grand prize.”

The money donated to the local food pantry will be matched up to $500 by American Companies of West Bend.

Full Shelf Food Pantry

The week-long promotion ends with a “Full Service Sunday” event on April 19 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Full-service fill-up will feature an attendant filling your tank and washing your windows.  In addition, each customer over 18 who makes a donation to the food pantry gets a free $1 lottery ticket.

Food pantry donations collected

Food pantry needs non-perishable food items – demand has increased (80 new families picked up last week).  Monetary donations also appreciated (can buy food for 19 cents/pound).

Running low on:

  • Pancake mix
  • Syrup
  • Jelly
  • Soup

The Food Pantry also needs volunteer help.  Looking for four volunteers to work mornings M-F. Must be over 18 and able to lift 40-50 pounds.  This shift packs food only and does not interact with patrons.

Families in need may pick up food between 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.  Only requirement needed right now is a driver’s license showing you live in Washington County.

American Commercial Real Estate

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