47.7 F
West Bend

Plans for 2018 Memorial Day Parade in West Bend



May 23, 2018 – West Bend, WI –  Memorial Day is almost here and as is tradition, West Bend will host its Memorial Day Parade on May 28.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the beginning of Decoration Day which we now call Memorial Day.

The parade will step off at 9:30 a.m. sharp at the corner of S. Main and Oak Street. It will end at the Old Courthouse Plaza on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Poplar Street.


The program will start approximately 30 minutes after the parade ends.​

The Memorial Day program pays honor to the men and women who died while serving in the U. S. military.

U.S. Navy veteran Allan Kieckhafer will be Master of Ceremonies. The Reverend Jeff Hesse from St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in West Bend will give the Invocation and Benediction.


John Kleinmaus will read General Logan’s Order No. 11 followed by East High School freshman Lydia Winklbauer who will recite the “Gettysburg Address.”


Natalie White, an East High School freshman will recite the poem, “In Flanders Field,” and Emma Seymer, East High freshman will recite the “Preamble to the Constitution.”

The Memorial Day speaker will be the Rev. Clarissa Martinelli of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church.

Veterans will remain after the program to visit with those attending.

Boy Scout Troop 780 will be selling brats, hot dogs and soda at the Plaza.

In case of inclement weather, the program will be held inside the Old Courthouse Museum.


Above is a rebroadcast of the 2017 Memorial Day Parade. The weather was sunny and temps were in the 60s but it was mighty windy … hence a bit of motion steadying the camera.


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