42.8 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Final out as West Bend West secures 2017 WIAA Summer Baseball Title


July 22, 2017 – West Bend, WI – West Bend West brought home the 2017 WIAA Summer Baseball Title on Saturday with a 6-4 win over Marquette. Final stats and a game summary courtesy the WIAA are below.

“What a great day for baseball in West Bend,” said Mayor Kraig Sadownikow. “One of the really cool things is when the excitement and celebration of today settles down a bit these young men will be left with the leadership and teamwork skills that baseball and Coach Albrecht taught them. Billy as we all know has a great tradition of turning out excellent baseball players and even better young men. That’s what this community and country need. I’m looking forward to these young guys using those skills in adulthood to help improve our city. Congrats to West Bend West baseball.”



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