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West Bend

VIDEO | Developer Bob Bach outlines plans for the former Brewery in West Bend

Nov. 8, 2017 – West Bend, WI – During this week’s West Bend Plan Commission meeting Bob Bach from P2 Development talked a bit about the 99 unit, three-story apartment building he had in mind for 465 N. Main Street.

The location is the site of the former West Bend Brewery. The proposed development would also extend north from the cobbler’s shop, Ray’s Shoes, Pruett’s Floor Covering, Casa Guadalupe and the cleaning business.

Bach addressed a number of concerns including trying to refurbish or reuse the current structure.

“We looked hard at the existing structure, we had been through it and there’s a lot of neat things historically per se,” said Bach. “There are parts of the original brewery but it’s been added onto many, many times and it’s very restrictive on what you could do with the building.”

Other items Bach discussed….

  • “We try to create a sense of community in our buildings and have a lot of in-house amenities.”
  • “We build them and manage them ourselves and we have a sense of pride in the community.”
  • In regard to possible first-floor retail and the rest being residential. “We don’t get involved in that,” said Bach. “Commercial is pretty tough to do and it would command a pretty high rent.”
  • “The current configuration would have 109 indoor parking spots and one thing we do is we don’t charge anything additional for indoor parking.”


Plan Commission member Jed Dolnick was initially not in favor of the project as it was designed. Bach confirmed the sketch he presented was a very rough draft.

There was a suggestions about asking for a traffic study, however nothing was confirmed by the Plan Commission.

Bach said he sees the street-level apartments as having a “row-house feel” and the upper levels would have balconies.

There was no action taken by the Plan Commission following the Tuesday night discussion on the proposed development.

American Commercial Real Estate

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