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VIDEO | Dennis Degenhardt announces his candidacy for 58th Assembly District

Nov. 21, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – On a brisk Tuesday afternoon, supporters of Dennis Degenhardt sat in room 101 at UW-Washington County as he officially announced his candidacy as a Democrat running for the open seat in the 58th Assembly District.

The special election will be held January 16, 2018.

“Wisconsin has had enough of these failed policies that have hurt every-day people,” said Degenhardt. “It is time for Wisconsin future that puts working families first and make the wealthy pay their fair share.”


Degenhardt promised to focus his efforts in Madison on education, family-sustaining jobs, affordable health care, bringing fresh ideas and more money to fight opioid addiction, and true fiscal responsibility.


Degenhardt is the only Democrat on the ticket.

There is a primary election Dec. 19 as four Republicans vie for the opening; those candidates in order of their declaration include Steve Stanek, Tiffany Koehler, Joseph Zimmerman and Rick Gundrum.

Christopher Lewis Cook is running as a Socialist.

Below are the candidates who have turned in their signatures. Between 200 – 400 signatures are needed to officially run for office.


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