42.8 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Demolition underway to make way for Kwik Trip No. 4 in West Bend

December 24, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Demolition crews took advantage of the mild 47-degree weather on December 23 to level the former Mobil station on Highway 33 east and Schoenhaar Drive. Aside from the pumps and the convenience store a car wash was also razed.

On July 19, 2019 BC Properties 1016 Washington LLC closed on a deal with Kwik Trip Inc. for $1,301,000. That parcel / commercial gas station was previously owned by Bob Yahr.

Kwik Trip also purchased 3.332 acres of vacant commercial property from Hallmark Leasing for $299,000.

Plans for the former east side Mobil are below.

East side Mobil

June 8, 2019 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Plan Commission will hold a public hearing Tuesday, June 11 to consider a rezoning and a request for a conditional use permit for a gas station on 5.9 acres of land.

The parcel involves 1610 E. Washington Street, the vacant land adjacent to the west of that property and the vacant lot on S. River Road north of 411 E. Washington Street.

The request is being made by Kwik Trip. If approved this would be the fourth Kwik Trip in West Bend.

Kwik Trip on E. Washington Street


Early plans show two entrances off of Schoenhaar Drive, an entrance off River Road and another off E. Washington Street, a convenience store and a car wash.








The public hearing is being held for a request to amend the 2020 Comprehensive Plan for a change in recommended land use from industrial land use to commercial land use for approximately 0.77 acres of land located on the east side of N. River Road, approximately 300’ north of E. Washington Street, by Kwik Trip, Inc.

On May 7, 2019 the Plan Commission reviewed the request for a change in land use from industrial to commercial and zoning from M-2 Heavy Industrial to B-1 Community Business District for an approximately 0.77 acre outlot located approximately 300’ north of E. Washington Street on the east side of N. River Road. As a part of the review, the Plan Commission set a public hearing date for June 11, 2019 at 6:00 pm to hear any comments or concerns regarding the proposed land use change and zoning request.

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In 2014, the then owner of the property obtained a land use and zoning change for the outlot. The outlot was going to be combined with the industrial lands to the north for a building expansion. Kwik Trip is now requesting a change to return the land use and zoning for the outlot to a commercial use to allow this outlot to be combined with adjacent commercially zoned lands for development.

The surrounding existing land uses are; industrial to the north, commercial to the west, south and east of the outlot. Given the surrounding existing uses, staff finds the proposed use would be an acceptable alternative since the lands would be combined with other commercial lands to the east for development.

Prior to revising the zoning from M-2 Heavy Industrial District to B-1 Community Business District, as requested, the City’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan would need to be amended to be consistent with the proposed zoning.



The Plan Commission meeting gets underway at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11 in the council chambers at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.

On a history note, can you identify the location and year the first Kwik Trip opened in West Bend? How about the second and third? … and now possibly the fifth?

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